POST v2/api/users

Creates a new Interactive User. This API call can only be made by a user with the role Administrator.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
The new user to be created.

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Name": "sample string 1",
  "Username": "sample string 2",
  "Role": 0

Response Information

Returns new Interactive User. By default a new user is enabled and has no API Credentials. This endpoint can only be called by an Administrator, otherwise 403:Forbidden is returned. The user's username must be globally unique and the role must be a valid Interactive User role, otherwise a 400:BadRequest is returned.

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "Id": "b1450917-28b5-499c-b677-a8227b7a004d",
  "Name": "sample string 2",
  "Username": "sample string 3",
  "Role": "sample string 4",
  "Password": "sample string 5",
  "Enabled": true